Help in Writing Author Bio

Purpose of Writing an Author Bio

If you are an author at some point you will probably have to write an author bio. Whether you write books, short stories or poems, writing an author bio will most likely be required if you are going to be published. Although writing the bio is usually a dreaded task by most authors, it can actually benefit you and help with marketing your work. Even if you aren’t required to write the author bio it is still a good idea to have one.

An author bio can be used for:

  • Website – Many authors have their own website they can post their bio on
  • Book jacket – An author bio should be included on book jackets
  • Press releases – Press releases and other book promotions
  • Story submissions – When you submit a story or article for publication an author bio is often required

Why Author Needs a Bio

Being an author, writing author bio is one of the essential tasks to do. The author bio, just like the effective student bio, is your chance to make yourself stand out from the rest of the authors. It is a useful tool to display your information and let your readers know more about you. Keep reading and learn how to make the author bio.

  • Promotion. If you’re writing a book or publishing it soon, you may want to check out samples of author bio to get a preview of what you should include in the bio. If you want to promote your book better, give your readers a glimpse of your personality and an introduction of yourself.
  • Functions, opportunities, and networking. The author bio can be used in functions, such as networking or finding new opportunities as an author. This important piece gives your audience a picture of you as an author, connecting to them even without meeting you first.
  • Book author bio. The author bio is also used in the book. You should write this one to complete the content of your book.

Ways to Start a Biography for Author

Start with your full name, and remember to write in the third person perspective. The bio is not an autobiography, so it must not use the pronoun “I.” For example, “Ben has been a freelance book author for five years.”

You must list facts in the author bio. Following your name, you must write about provable facts. For example, “Ben has been a freelance book author that has provided his services to clients in online freelance sites, such as UpWork.” This example is a provable fact that can be searched online. Use the hook, grab and hold formula to keep readers interested in reading and finishing the author bio. Give them information that can help them remember you.

How to Write a Great Author Bio

  • Begin with your name. Use the third person perspective, as if it is written by an observer. This is one of the best ways on how to write a great author bio.
  • Write some list of works for a background. Include some books written in the past, including their titles, date of publishing and any awards. This is one of the things to remember on how to write a bio for the author.
  • Include experience and education. In your author bio, you should also include information about your experience and education. You may want to add these to the provable facts of your bio.
  • Keep your wording tight, and avoid filler words that do not add value. In writing, keep the sentences short and succinct so that you can be sure that every sentence really has a place in the bio. Watch out for adverbs and adjectives and get rid of them in the paper.
  • Write about memberships, such as business groups, writing clubs, and affiliations.
  • You may want to write versions of your bio, which can be for interview sheets, media kits, proposals, and website. You must also learn how to write an author biography for a book. A longer bio for all those mentioned above, while medium length ones for guest posts, queries and others websites. The shortest ones can be written as a marketing material. On social media, you need a published author byline for the limited character count on social media, like Twitter.
  • Brag your writing achievements. Check out short author biography examples for the best ways to write about these things. You can highlight published works in a newspaper or online, too. These can help readers learn about your achievements.
  • Write your demographics as the last part, just like in a graphic designer bio. Establish yourself as a writer before writing your demographics.
  • Do not put book titles inside of quotation marks, but use italics for them. The same goes for all publications. Inside of parentheses, write the publication year and publisher.
  • Write in the third person.
  • Only highlight awards related to writing. You can brag about several awards received as an author. Be sure to update this section when a new significant award received.
  • Education. When it comes to this section, it is important to highlight those related to the book you’re publishing. So if you have psychology doctorate degree, it is good to include in the bio.
  • Use author bio samples – Look at author bio examples for books in your genre to get an idea how other authors write their bios and get some ideas for your own.
  • Include your greatest writing achievement – The high point of your writing career should be included early on in the bio. Don’t include a long list of achievements, just one or two highlights. If you have never been published before don’t be afraid to say so, but don’t make a big deal about it either.
  • Be brief – Generally the better known the author, the shorter the bio. There is some debate as to what length the author bio should be. There are those that say around 100 words, while others believe it should be 200 words or less. Between 100 and 200 words to start is likely okay.
  • Provide a way for fans to contact you – A website address, twitter account or an email address for fan mail should be included at the end of your bio.

If you aren’t sure how to write an author bio for a book or other purpose, consider using our bio writing service.

Steps of Writing Author Bio

  • Use the third person perspective. It is one of the amazing author bio tips to remember. But aside from it, there are other things to take note of when writing this kind of bio.
  • Brainstorm and jot down the things you want to include in the bio. Think of the awards, academic and professional information, books written, achievements and other things you want your readers to know about you.
  • Establish your credibility by writing provable facts that people can check for themselves. Write examples to prove your credibility in your chosen subject. However, you must be honest and do not makeup stories.
  • Explain what you do. People reading the bio would ask the question, “What do you do?” Answer it in your bio – and establish your credibility on the subject.
  • Be personal. Things like dog lover, coffee addict, Netflix lover… etc adds a personal touch to your bio that people can relate to, in some cases.
  • Proofread and edit. Do not publish or submit your bio if you don’t spend time in editing and proofreading it. One of the best ways to do it is to read your work aloud to listen for some awkward sentences in your writing.

Advice from Experts

“Hook, grab and hold. Make sure your bio includes something that is unique about you. Give the reader something to remember about you.” by Freelance Writing.

“Write in the third person.” by Neil Patel.

Ask Professional Help for Author Bio Writing

For help on all types of author bio – short, medium, or long forms, don’t think twice about getting help from our pros! Proficient in English writers that know how to write an author bio at affordable prices and with quick turnaround time.

We know that even professional writers can have trouble writing about themselves. Our bio writing service uses professional writers who specialize in writing bios. They have extensive experience and proven skills in bio writing. Every bio we provide is completely original and backed by a 100 percent guarantee. Other benefits of our service include:

  • Direct contact with the writer working on your bio
  • Efficient online order and payment process
  • Inexpensive rates that are easy to afford
  • Customer support 24/7

Contact us for writing author bio that creates the right impression and meets your specific needs!

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